About Rebecca
Rebecca Lee is a fiction writer, poet, content writer, and editor based out of Fredericksburg, Virginia. She received a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In October 2020, Rebecca was accepted into the MFA Residency Program at the Queen's University of Charlotte, where she studied many different forms of literature, including Fiction, Poetry, Creative Non-Fiction, and Screenwriting, although her concentration was in Fiction and Poetry. She graduated with her MFA in January 2023.
Rebecca has done feature writing, content writing, and editing work for many different organizations. These include The Borgen Project, SuperInterns.com, Entity Mag, QU Magazine and the politician Rober Weiner. Her most recent work was in Developmental Editing with Genesis Publishers, where she helped writers edit and develop their manuscripts to help them focus on their strengths and ensure their manuscripts were ready for publication.
When she's not concentrating on manuscripts (either her own or current authors) - she can be found at the gym, going for walks, binge-watching the same television shows over and over, or hyper-fixating on Legend of Zelda games. You may also catch her dancing and singing loudly in her car - although she's not very good at either of those things.